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Thomas Jolly victime de cyberharcèlement lors des JO 2024 : sept prévenus comparaissent pour menaces de mort et injures

Six hommes et une femme, âgés de 22 à 79 ans, sont jugés devant le tribunal correctionnel de Paris pour avoir insulté et menacé de mort le directeur artistique des cérémonies d’ouverture et de clôture des Jeux olympiques.

Seven individuals, aged 22 to 79, are on trial in Paris for sending death threats and insults to Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the Paris 2024 Olympic ceremonies, following the opening ceremony. The messages were motivated by outrage over a scene interpreted as a mockery of the Last Supper. The prosecution has requested sentences ranging from three to eight months of suspended prison. Jolly, who filed a complaint, stated that he was destabilized by the hate and threats. Other artists involved in the ceremony were also targeted with cyberharassment.

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